1:1 rate for stablecoin swaps: same coin, any chain

Select pair1/3

You send

acs logo


US Dollar

You get

eth logo



Exchange any crypto


Exchange Bitcoin and 500+ altcoins in a fast, simple, and secure way.


24/7 live support

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to offer you personalized assistance.

Best market rates

Through partnerships with over 20 crypto trading platforms, we strive to find the most competitive rates for your transactions.

Speedy transactions

With an average transaction speed of 5–40 minutes, we ensure you can swiftly take advantage of market opportunities.

Secure funds handling

We do not store cryptocurrencies: instead, they are sent directly to your wallet after the exchange for the utmost security.

Excellent since 2015

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Exclusive benefits
of the Changelly app

Get better rates in the app and enjoy an exclusive discount on your very first crypto exchange transaction. Don’t settle for less when you can maximize your returns with us!

This offer does not apply for users based in UK


Javier L., AppStore

I am extremely delighted with the exceptional service provided by the Changelly crypto swap app.

Chang Su, AppStore

Thank you. Love this! Good to take a little profits here and there.

Liam D., Google Play

very fast, very easy and super rates! definitely recommend!

How to exchange cryptocurrency


Set the exchange pair

Select the crypto pair you’d like to exchange


Enter your wallet address

Enter your crypto wallet address to which your cryptocurrency will be sent


Make a payment

Send the crypto you’d like to exchange to the wallet address you see on the screen


Wait for your coins to arrive

Track the progress of your exchange and be ready to get your crypto soon

Helpful guides

FAQ Exchange

Best Crypto Exchange with Lowest Fees

Changelly is an instant-execution crypto coin exchange that is gloriously known for its industry-low fees of up to 0.25% on crypto exchanges. It also meets the definition of the most versatile crypto exchange, having hundreds of cryptocurrencies and thousands of trading pairs in its crypto portfolio.